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Taxis Versus Rideshare Apps: 4 Huge Myths Busted
Phone with navigation app mounted on dashboard
January 21, 2020
Taxi services have come a long way (no pun intended) in the 100+ years since they were invented. However, there are some myths and misconceptions that linger and confuse passengers, especially since the rise of rideshare apps like Uber. Let's debunk the 4 biggest myths about taxis versus rideshare apps. Myth 1: Rideshare apps are cheaper than taxis Reality: This is probably the biggest reason people choose to use rideshare apps...
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Drive Safely This Holiday Season: Ride With Transportation Plus
Couple with gifts getting out of taxi cab
December 16, 2019
The holidays are a dangerous time for driving — especially in the Minnesota winter.  In fact, a recent research note from the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that 1,087 people died in vehicle traffic crashes from Christmas to New Year's Day in 2018. What causes car crashes around the holidays? inclement weather (poor visibility) road conditions (snow, ice, tighter lanes) alcohol or drug use distracted/negligent driving speeding and other reckless driving increased...
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What to Know About Corporate Event Transportation
Group of coworkers having champagne at a corporate event
November 12, 2019
The holiday season is here! Starting now and going through January, there will be events and parties galore for both residential and corporate groups. Businesses that want to show their appreciation to their employees and clients will be hosting parties with live music, sprawling buffets, and open bars. One of the best ways for companies to show their party guests that they appreciate them is to ensure they get to...
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Why Transportation Plus Is the #1 Choice for Accessible Transportation in the Twin Cities
Businesswoman in a wheelchair hailing a taxi
October 21, 2019
Transportation should be readily available to everyone, and T-Plus is committed to making sure it is. Our accessible ride services provide for the needs and comfort of disabled riders to make sure they can travel to their destination with the same ease as anyone else. The City of Minneapolis initiated a service a few years ago to provide wheelchair accessible taxi service to the public. Transportation Plus immediately became involved, accounting for...
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Save Some Stress: Take a Taxi to the Vikings Game
Minneapolis skyline with Vikings stadium
September 24, 2019
It's the start of football season, and fans of the Minnesota Vikings are showing up to the stadium in droves. Whether you're a season ticket holder or treat yourself to one or two games a season, no one likes the hassle of driving or parking in the pre and post-game chaos downtown. If you want to enjoy your next football game without the stress of driving, consider booking a taxi! Why...
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How to spot owner-operated cabs vs. professional taxi services
Bird's eye view of yellow cabs with one blue taxi
August 30, 2019
Imagine stepping out of a crowded event like a Twins game or a concert and approaching a line of taxis parked out front. How do you know if you're getting into a taxi that's part of a professional taxi service versus an owner-operated taxi, sometimes also referred to as a "gypsy cab"?  Here's how to spot the difference between the two and why you're better off avoiding owner-operated cabs. What...
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Know Your Rights as a Taxi Passenger
Smiling businessman on cell phone in a taxicab
July 31, 2019
Taxi services are required to follow the Taxicab Ordinance which outlines all the regulations of the taxi industry. Before you take a taxi anywhere, it is important to know and understand your rights as a passenger. While regulations differ per city, here are some of the rights that are guaranteed in the Minneapolis Taxicab Ordinance.  Licensed driver and safe vehicle The most important right of a taxi passenger is a safe and...
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Why a Taxi Is Your Best Option for Minnesota Twins Games
Minneapolis skyline with Minnesota Twins Target Field baseball stadium
June 26, 2019
It's the start of baseball season, and fans of the Minnesota Twins are showing up to the stadium in large numbers. Whether you go to every game or one every now and then, no one likes the hassle of driving or parking at Target Field.  If you want to enjoy your next baseball game without the stress of driving, consider booking a taxi!  Avoid rideshare surge pricing Rideshare apps can...
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Taxi Safety for Minors: 3 Common Questions Answered
Grandmother with grandchildren traveling in taxi
May 18, 2019
If you have children and do any traveling you're bound to end up riding with your kids in a taxi at some point. Even within the confines of your own city limits, busy schedules for parents and children are leading many people to explore alternate transportation options to keep up with it all. The 3 questions we hear all the time in regards to children riding in taxis are: Does...
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The benefits of riding with a professional driver
Ride Sharing
December 20, 2018
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